A forensic anthropologist will need to use math when measuring bones. Measuring bones can lead to many discoveries, including the age and sex of a person.
Math is all about practice. So what a person have to do in math is to keep practicing and do not think about the answer before starting a math problem. Just use the rules and formulas and apply them, what u get at last is the answer. So have no fear.
well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.
In math, the students are working on division and multiplication. She works in the sales division of a large, successful company.
This will depend upon the type of job a person does or what type of life they lead. People use math and do not even know it, such as in the grocery store and while balancing their check book.
Someone would use mute math if they were trying to teach a deaf person how to do math, or even a blind person as well because they cant see the paper in front of them.
One way they use math is by calculating a person's blood pressure. Math is used daily by just about everyone.
A person may be forced to use Express Scripts rather than their local pharmacy because it is cheaper. This is generally decided by the company that is extending the insurance.
Math used in pharmacy includes basic arithmetic for measuring and calculating drug dosages, algebra for solving equations and determining drug concentrations, and statistics for analyzing data and evaluating drug efficacy. Pharmacists also use logarithms to calculate drug dilutions and exponential functions to model drug decay or elimination. Overall, a solid understanding of math is important for accurate medication preparation, dosage calculation, and patient safety in pharmacy.
No more than the average person. They don't need math for the job though.
i went to the pharmacy to get some medicine
There are not pharmacy uses. It is used as a anesthetic.
I actually did a Career Fair on being a Pharmacist, so I think I can help. Math is used in a pharmacist's activities in many ways. Pharmacists have to use math to figure out how much of a chemical or substance should be allowed in the medicine being created. The prescription also has to have the right amount of the drug in it. Math plays a pretty big role in Pharmacy school, but if your taking classes, don't forget Medicine or Chemistry. I love all three of these subjects, and hope to be a pharmacist.
he used math because he had tio measure and scale
They can use math to find fittings for dimensions of a person's body. I don't think they use science very often, however.
a barber uses math by addition subtraction and multiplecation and how much to give that person what the total is and how much they give you
A forensic anthropologist will need to use math when measuring bones. Measuring bones can lead to many discoveries, including the age and sex of a person.