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Q: How does a rule-based expert system work?
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How does an expert system work?

it is the job of the expert system to know not mine

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My expert says the heart.

When was Expert System S.p.A. created?

Expert System S.p.A. was founded in 1989.

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What is the motto of Expert System S.p.A.?

The motto of Expert System S.p.A. is 'Semantic Intelligence'.

How many expert system in India?

What do you mean by expert system? I can not understand your question. If you specify, you can get appropriate answer.

What does the term expert system mean?

The term "expert system" refers to an artificial intelligence. An expert system is a program that has the ability to answer questions by taking knowledge on a subject and converting it to codes.

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Purpose of expert systems?

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Fuzzy expert system in relation to artificial intelligence?

fuzzy expert system used to handle uncertainties.

What expert system shell is better like CLIPS?

The Java Expert System is better and very similar to the CLIPS.

What is the primary function of an expert system?

The primary function of and expert system is to emulate the decision ability of a human expert. It is designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge