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Scientist are always testing their models to get new information or results, but other times learning evidence makes scientist have to change their models so scientist can change their models in theory.

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Q: How does a scientific theory change?
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Under what conditions can a scientific model or theory change?

A scientific model can change if new evidence is found. If the new evidence that has been found contradicts the model or theory then a scientific model or theory can change.

How can you change a theory into scientific knowledge?


A scientific theory can change if?

It can change if it is proven wrong, or if a new theory is proven more likely to be true.

Can you change a scientific theory?

yes you can, in theory. But it is very difficult to change an established 'ruling paradigm' (however incorrect).

When can scientific theory be change?

whenever an experiment fails to confirm the theory it is no longer a theory ... it becomes a hypothesis

Why Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if?

Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if new evidence contradicts the existing theory, if the theory fails to explain new observations accurately, or if a more comprehensive theory emerges that better explains the phenomena in question. Scientific theories are constantly refined and updated based on rigorous testing and evidence.

If a scientific theory changes does this mean that it was not a good theory to begin with?

No. It means that it was the best theory supported at the time it was formulated. Theories can change if new scientific evidence provides new information.

If a scientific theory changes does that mean that it was not a good theory to begin with?

No. It means that it was the best theory supported at the time it was formulated. Theories can change if new scientific evidence provides new information.

How is Scientific law and scientific theory diffrent?

A scientific law describes a consistent and universal relationship found in nature, such as the law of gravity. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence and research that can be used to predict outcomes or understand phenomena, such as the theory of evolution. Scientific laws are more specific and describe what happens, while scientific theories explain why and how it happens.

How can a scientific theory change?

they can change by summarizing a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeat testing.

Can a theory change over time How?

Not really, if the theory proves to be wrong then it is replaced by something better (using the scientific method)..

Can a scientific law be change?

A scientific law means it is always, absolutely true. If it were found untrue, it would not be a law, just a theory.