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a scientific theory

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Q: What will hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?
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What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

What can a hypothesis become if its supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

What will a hypothesis become if it is supported repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

What will a hypothesis become if it's supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

What will a hypothesis become if its is supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

What will a hypothesis become is it is supported by repeating experimentation's?

A proven hypothesis becomes a theory.

If data from repeated experiments support a hypothesis what would happen next?

It would become a theory. Then different predictions would need to be made to test other parts of it.

If a hypothesis is supported by new data gathered over a period of time it may become a what?

If a hypothesis is supported by new data gathered over a period of time, it may become a theory. A theory is a well-supported explanation that has been extensively tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.

What must happen before a hypothesis become a theory?

The Hypothesis Must Be Supported In Order For It To Become A Theory

What must happen before a hypothesis becomes a theory?

The Hypothesis Must Be Supported In Order For It To Become A Theory

How is the scientific theory developed?

Scientific Method is the key here . The main components of the Scientific method are 1. Observation 2. Gathering information 3. Making Hypothesis ( Hypothesis means making statement that is testable with experiment) 4. Experimentation 5. Prediction If Experiment results agreed with our Hypothesis , then our Hypothesis become the theory . If the same results are repeated by no of persons for a long period of time , Theory become law. Scientists use this method in every aspect of their work

What is an unproven statement based on observations?

It is a conjecture, or an hypothesis in the scientific method. An hypothesis supported by experiment can become a theory.