

Best Answer

It has three sides and three corners.

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Q: How does a triangle look?
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What does a congruent triangle look like?

If a triangle is congruent to another triangle, they are exactly the same. therefore, a congruent triangle can look like anything.

What does an isoscles triangle look like?

a triangle ;)

What does the triangle in pool look like?

it looks like a triangle

What does an equilateral triangle and an acute triangle look like?

Click on the link for equilateral acute triangle.

How do you find x value on a triangle?

it is based on what is triangle look like

How does a triangle polygon look like?

it can be a triangle that is right, acute, or obtuse

Why cant a triangle have 3 acute angles?

It can. Look at an equilateral triangle

Whet is an isocolese triangle look like?

An isocolese triangle is look like two sides are same long.

What shape when you look at it from the top looks like a circle and when you look at it from thefront it looks like a triangle and when you look at it from the side it looks like a triangle?

A Cone

What look like a pyramids?

A triangle the tri-force(legend of zelda) look for things in a triangular shape

What does a triangle pyramid look like?

It looks like a 3-D triangle.

How does a triangle with all angles less than a right angle look?

The angles would need to be equal to 60 degrees, so it would be an acute triangle. The triangle would look like a normal equilateral triangle.