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Q: How does algebra affect the world?
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How does algebra affect us today?

Algebra affects us everyday, because if it didn't exist you would not live in the civilised world you live in.

Does algebra affect us?

i don't know? probably.

Why is algebra is good for you?

Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.

Where do you get the world decimal?

Math, Algebra, Arithmetic

What is the answer to pg 205 algebra with pizazz?

the world

Where and how they use algebra in the real world?

Every science uses algebra, every social science uses algebra and all business uses algebra. And that is only a few of the places algebra is used in the real world. Science. Can not do chemistry stoichiometry without algebra. Social science. Stats are big in social science and their manipulation is algebraic. Business. Try figuring out future interest rates without algebraic formulas.

What is the importance of boolean algebra in today's world in the construction of digital logics?

Digital logic IS hardware that implements Boolean algebra.

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World history algebra?

Both world history and algebra are required subjects in both high school and college. Both will also have related questions on the SATs and other entrance exams.

What is the difference between algebra 1 and algebra connections?

Algebra 1 is a traditional course that focuses on fundamental algebraic concepts such as equations, inequalities, functions, and graphing. Algebra Connections, on the other hand, is a more integrated approach that connects algebraic concepts to real-world applications and other mathematical topics. It emphasizes problem-solving skills and critical thinking by exploring algebra in context rather than in isolation. Overall, Algebra 1 is more foundational and theoretical, while Algebra Connections is more applied and interdisciplinary.

What is a sentence using the word algebra?

Algebra is a subject most students learn, then never use again, because they don't see the many ways it can be used. Some of the world's greatest mathematicians did not use algebra. Algebra, for some, is like trying to learn multiplication tables for the alphabet.

What is after pre algebra?

Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.