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Q: How does an equation for a sideways parabola look like?
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How do you find the equation for a parabola?

u look at it.... :-) hey I'm learning about parabolas too

How can you tell if a parabola moves up or down in an equation?

Look at the discriminant, B2 - 4AC, in the quadratic equation. As it goes from negative to positive, the parabola moves in the direction of its small end towards the X-axis. At zero, it touches the X-axis.

How do you draw a curved line on a graph from the equation?

i dont think there is such thing as the equation of a curved line the closest is probably a (hyperbola, ellipse, or parabola) with a restriction making it look like a curved line but it would be very complicated

What does a graph with a quadratic relationship look like?

Like a parabola. Not "like": it would be.

How do you find the x-intercept of a parabola?

Factorise equation, and look at what x values are needed for the equation to equal zero. Eg. x^2+5x+6 (x+3)(x+2)=0 So parabola intercepts x axis at -3 and -2.

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A cheesburger sideways.

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It can look like any algebraic equation.

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A cheesburger sideways.

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A U shaped parabola

What are the meanings of XD P D on YouTube found in the Text Comments?

if u look at XD sideways, then it looks like a guy laughing really hard if u look at :P sideways, then it looks like a guy sticking his tongue out and if u look at :D sideways, then it looks like a guy who's very happy

What does the starter motor look like?

Like a cylinder with a smaller cylinder on to of it. It will be sittind sideways

If a parable has a maximum point what shape does it have?

If you mean a parabola with a maximum point then it will look like an umbrella.