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Q: How does being born 4 months early affect you?
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Is it possible that me being small may affect the way girls perceive me as a bf i was born three months early and i don't look 21 way younger most say 18 to 17?

Find a girl that is smaller, like you.

Was Reba born 3 months to early?

Yes she was

What happen when a cow has her baby 2 months earlier than her birth date?

This is primarily referred to as an "abortion." Chances of a calf surviving being born this early is slim because, just like in human babies born two months early or earlier, they are smaller and their lungs may be too underdeveloped to be able to survive on its own, or for very long. As such the mortality rate for calves born this early is quite high.

Why does a baby need to be born after 9 months?

i it is born to early it will die ore it will be demented so that is why you should what 8 months before having berth

What is chimpanzees weight at 6 months after being born?

I have a question for you. Is that chimpanzee pregnant at 6 months?

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When was nat Nat Turner born?

Nine months after being conceived

How old are you if your birthday is February 15 1987?

On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.On the date this question is being answered, the 20th of October 2014, someone born on that date would be 27 years and 8 months old.

What age do kittens start breading?

The average age for a kitten to breed is 6 months however, some can go into heat as early as 4 months. This is why it is so important to spay your kittens early on instead of waiting to long.

How will being born premature affect your abilities to have children?

There are many medical reasons why people are born premature, but there is not a genetic cause so there is no affect to your future children. If the reason had a genetic foundation that may have an affect, but otherwise no affect.

How early can a baby be born?

my nephew was born 3 months early. you could like hold him in like just your hand and his but would be half way down your arm. he like only weighed about 4lbs. hes was TINY.

If your in the womb for 9 months then wouldn't you be 9 months older that what you are now?

No, because when you are in the womb you ae developing and getting ready for being born