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Q: Is there a such thing as twins being 11 months apart?
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Are paternal twins identical?

I dont think there is such a thing as paternal twins...perhaps you are thinking of fraternal twins. In that case, they are not identical twins, they do not look the same and they can be different sexes.

Is there such thing as fraternal boy or girl twins?


What percent of genetic makeup is shared by identical twins?

100%Identical twins develop from the same egg, so have the same DNA. The only thing different between identical twins is finger prints, and retinal patterns.

Can dizygotic fraternal twins be conceived a week apart?

I think so. My twins are three days apart according to every ultrasound so far. It seems perfectly reasonable that they could be up to a week apart especially considering that is about how long strong sperms keep on working within the right environment. I am not a Dr., but my guess would be it must be possible. Take care While it is possible for non-identical (dizygotic/2-eggs) twins to be conceived apart (and by different fathers!), it's generally not the case. An ultrasound showing twins differing in age by 3 days is not significant given the margin of error for ultrasound technology. Just like most adults are different sizes, so too are babies in utero owing to genetic and environmental factors.

What is the difference btween identical twins and fraternal twins?

Identical twins are the result of a single fertilized embryo splitting in two at an early stage and forming two viable embryos. As such, identical twins have identical DNA. Fraternal twins are the result of two distinct fertilized embryos being viable. As such, they have different DNA. They could even be different sexes.

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Can twins be 15 months apart?

No, twins are born from the same pregnancy.

What are twins that are born 9 months apart called?

Twin are only those who are born at the same time, or almost the same time. Childern born 9 months apart aren't twins, they are siblings.

What are Irish twins?

Irish twins is a name given to a set of children in the same family who are born 13 months apart.

Can twins be a week are two apart?

Yes, twins can be born weeks apart if they are conceived through a process called superfetation. Superfetation is when a woman ovulates and conceives again while already pregnant. This rare occurrence can result in twins being born with a significant age difference.

What is the Minnesota Twins study?

Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart

Are Mary-Mary twins?

yes they are No, They arent twins, They are 2yrs apart

Are Jessica and Ashlee Simpson twins?

No, they are not twins. They're sisters, but they are about 4 years apart.

Are legacy twins?

no but their birthdays are a day apart

How long do you have to wait for the twins to be born?

If they are human twins then about 9 months

What is a stuck twins?

i think you mean conjoined twins. These specials twins are joined together sideways when they were born, and it will need a surgery to get them apart.

Can a horse have a foal and then have another a couple months later?

No. A horse is pregnant for just about a year. Unless she has twins within a few hours apart there is no way for her to have another foal for at least a year.

What is twintuition?

Twintuition is the term used to describe the close connection or intuition that twins may have with each other, often being able to understand each other's thoughts or feelings without communication. It is believed to be a special bond that some twins share due to their unique shared experiences from being born at the same time.