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It will alter the apparent variation in the variable plotted using that axis.

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Q: How does changing the vertical scale affect the appearance of the data?
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What is the scale vertical axis

Where is the scale of a vertical bar graph written?

The scale of a vertical bar graph is written on the vertical axis.

What is the scale of a vertical bar graph written on?

The vertical axis!

Vertical scale and interval affect the look of a bar graph or a line graph?

by making the graph have an important missing part...(hope it helps!)

How do you read the oscilloscope?

Time (horizontal scale) versus Amplitude (vertical scale).

Why is a scale on the vertical axis needed?


Can changes to a vertical scale or interval affect the look of a bar or line graph?

Yes, changing the vertical scale will affect how the graph looks. To see examples, go to one of the financial web sites on Google or Yahoo and pick a few stock charts. If you are looking at an intraday chart (activity that happened during one day), the price may vary a dollar or so, but may look to jump all over the place. This is because the scale may be set to start at $50 per share (minimum value of the vertical scale) up to $55 maximum. Change the scale from zero to $60 and you will see a graph that looks more like a smooth line (the changes won't look as dramatic or steep). Another way to change the scale is to use a logarithmic scale (where each step represents 10 times the previous step). This is useful in graphs that represent exponential growth or decay. On a standard scale, the graph could look like a sharp increase, then leveling off. On a logarithmic scale, the same data plotted may look more like a straight line.

Can changes to the vertical scale or interval affect the look of a bar or line graph?

Yes, changing the vertical scale will affect how the graph looks. To see examples, go to one of the financial web sites on Google or Yahoo and pick a few stock charts. If you are looking at an intraday chart (activity that happened during one day), the price may vary a dollar or so, but may look to jump all over the place. This is because the scale may be set to start at $50 per share (minimum value of the vertical scale) up to $55 maximum. Change the scale from zero to $60 and you will see a graph that looks more like a smooth line (the changes won't look as dramatic or steep). Another way to change the scale is to use a logarithmic scale (where each step represents 10 times the previous step). This is useful in graphs that represent exponential growth or decay. On a standard scale, the graph could look like a sharp increase, then leveling off. On a logarithmic scale, the same data plotted may look more like a straight line.

What is a vertical axis scale?

If you're talking about a graph then here's your answer... There are to axis's the x axis (horizontal) and the y axis (vertical). So your talking about the vertical scale so since a graph is shaped like an L the vertical part would contain the scale (numbers along the side) so that you can read a bar graph easier

Is the X axis on the horizontal or vertical axis?

The x axis is the horizontal axis. The y axis is the vertical axis.

Does it matter if you put the scale on the horizontal or vertical axis?


What is the interval on a vertical axis?

a scale with diffrent numbers