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Q: How does finding the sum of an expression help you identify the terms?
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In algebra collect like terms means combining the like terms together. It can be done with the help of variables, powers and the terms which have like properties. When collecting like terms the corresponding sign of a particular number will carry with the term.For Example:Combine the like terms and simplify the expression 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1SOLUTION:The given expression is 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1The terms in the given expression is 2x, 8y, 2 , 4x, y, 1.Now combine the like terms with the help of variables.Collect 2x and 4x together, 8y and y together and the constants 2 and 1 together.The simplified answer for the given expression is= 2x + 8y +2 + 4x + y + 1= 2x+4x +8y +y + 2+1= 6x + 9y +3

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