They are running businesses, so that can involve a lot of mathematics. The skills needed to cut hair, and even things like how much materials to use, how long to leave hair when cutting and so on, all involve mathematics.
A teacher mainly uses math to teach it to the students. Other opinions could possibly say that everyone uses math in their life at home as in groceries ect.
The same math everyone else uses. I
the same as English, French, Spanish, etc. math.
anywhere that uses math
math uses the scientific method
A architect uses math like meausuring length
A teacher mainly uses math to teach it to the students. Other opinions could possibly say that everyone uses math in their life at home as in groceries ect.
Hairdresser in French is "coiffeur" for a male hairdresser and "coiffeuse" for a female hairdresser.
Population is related to math because it uses percentage
The same math everyone else uses. I
the same as English, French, Spanish, etc. math.
The uses of math is to help you with life like to add your at the store add up the total or subtract it but either way math plays a big role in everyone's life.
Yes a hairdresser can countersign a passport. They have to be a professional working hairdresser.
Two are a) when Bella uses math to calculate when her last period was. b) when Bella uses math to predict how long Renesmee will live. Hope I helped!!