Any positive number can be written as a quotient of two positive numbers or a quotient of two negative numbers. Any real number can be written as the quotient of two real numbers.
If both integers are positive or both negative then the quotient is positive. If they are one of each then the quotient is negative.
Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.
-- If the two integers have the same sign, their quotient is positive. -- If the two integers have different signs, their quotient is negative.
A quotient is the answer to a multiplication problem. Therefore, just multiply the two numbers.
If the divisor and the dividend are positive then the quotient will be positive too.
Any positive number can be written as a quotient of two positive numbers or a quotient of two negative numbers. Any real number can be written as the quotient of two real numbers.
If the dividend and divisor have the same sign, then the quotient is positive. If their signs are different, then the quotient is negative.
If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.
* The quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive. * The quotient of a positive integer and a negetive integer is negetive.
If both integers are positive or both negative then the quotient is positive. If they are one of each then the quotient is negative.
As a quotient of two integers!
The quotient is what you get when you divide two numbers. If both numbers are positive, the quotient will be positive. If both numbers are negative, the quotient will be positive. If one number is positive and one number is negative, their quotient will be negative.
The quotient of two positive integers will be positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative. A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive.
Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.
The quotient has a positive sing in that case.
-- If the two integers have the same sign, their quotient is positive. -- If the two integers have different signs, their quotient is negative.