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I will explain a method of constructing an illustration:

  1. Construct a square with the length of a side = 1 (one unit).
  2. Add another square of the same size to the first so they have one common edge (1 * 2).
  3. Add a square to the long edge of the exisiting squares (2 * 2 units).
  4. Add another square to the long edge ( that square should be 3 * 3)
  5. Contionue adding squres to the ling edge of the construction.
The lengths of the sides form a Fibonacci series. The lengths of the sides of the constructed rectangle approch a golden Ratio (the longer you continue the closer to the ratio you get.
This is considered a plesing shape by many and many artists and architects use these proportions in their compositions.
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Q: How does the Fibonacci Sequence relate to the Golden Ratio and what is the Golden Ratio. Why is it so important?
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How does the golden ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

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