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There are a couple: (1+SQRT(5))/2 1/(2*cos(72)) (degrees only)

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Q: How will you relate rational algebraic expression to golden traigle or golden ratio?
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Is the golden ratio a rational number?

The golden ratio is not a rational number. It cannot be expressed exactly as the quotient of two integers. It can be expressed as the quotient: (1+SQRT5)/2 where SQRT5 menas the square root of 5 (that is not a rational number either and so no quitient involving it is a rational number)

Why do you need a extenstion of rational numbers?

You need an extension because rational numbers are a tiny subset of all real numbers. There are transcendental numbers such as pi and e which are key to geometry and calculus (respectively), the Golden ratio, as well as all the non-rational roots of rational numbers.

Is Golden ratio a rational or irrational?

It is irrational. Any number that cannot be written as a fraction is irrational. So if the Golden Ratio were rational, instead of a never-ending decimal number, you'd see a fraction. The official measurement is (1+sqrt5)/2. sqrt5 is irrational.

Who coined the expression “the golden years”?

I don’t know but I heard it from grown ups when I was young.

Is negative 4.9 a rational or irrational?

-4.9 is a rational number. If a number is irrational, then it can not be expressed as a finite number of digits. A few examples of irrational numbers are: pi, the square root of any integer which is not square and the golden ratio (phi).

SIMPLE explanation of the golden ratio?

Two quantities are in a Golden Ratio if the ratio of the bigger quantity to the smaller quantity is the same as the ratio of the sum of the two quantities to the bigger quantity. In algebraic form, if the two quantities are x and y, and x is the bigger of the two, then they are in the Golden Ratio if x/y = (x+y)/x and that ratio is the Golden Ratio. which equals (1 + √5)/2.

What does the expression a golden boy mean?

1.a man who is unusually successful at an early age Or 2. who make a money in second or minute

Can the product of any two irrational numbers be a rational number?

Yes. For example, if you multiply the square root of 2 (an irrational number) by itself, the answer is 2 (a rational number). The golden ratio (Phi, approx. 1.618) multiplied by (1/Phi) (both irrational numbers) equals 1 (rational). However, this is not necessarily true for all irrational numbers.

On Fable 2 what are those statues with the golden mask?

The statues reveal chests, or open gates, or cause some sort of action. You activate them by mimicing their expression.

What is the golden ratio and where do you see it in the world around us?

The Golden Ratio is 0=1.61803. Also known as the Golden Mean or Golden Section. It is a system of proportion first discovered by the ancient Greeks, and described as the most pleasing proportion to the human eye. Sections of a line or shape are related to one another according to an ideal which can be expressed with an algebraic formula. Visually it is a rectangle containing squares, a spiral forms by connecting intersecting lines. Examples of the concho-spiral seen in nature are shells, pine cones and ram's horns.

Give the difference between rational and irrational numbers Give examples of each?

An irrational number is a number that can't be expressed by a fraction having integers in both its numerator and denominator. A rational number can be. 2 is rational. The square root of 2 is irrational.

What is often called golden?

USually either people that accomplish things or are a hero. Words: Golden retriever Golden egg Golden trophy Golden gold You are golden Golden item