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Birth rate means the number of births per thousand persons in a particular year and at a particular area.

Death rate means the number of deaths per thousand persons in a particular year and at a particular area.

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Q: How does the definition of deathrate and birthrate differ?
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The population would be decreasing.

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two factors that are responsable for determining "population growth" are birthrate and deathrate.

All other things being equal the size of a population will decrease if?

The deathrate exceeds the birthrate.

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two factors that are responsable for determining "population growth" are birthrate and deathrate.

What is birthrate and death rate?

Birthrate is the rate at which a population of one or more organsim(s) produces. Deathrate is the rate at which a populaion of one or more organism(s) dies.

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Birthrate is the number of births per thousand of a population whereas the natural increase is the birth rate minus the deathrate

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1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Immigration 4. Emigration

How do the concepts of birthrate and population growth differ?

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What is the deathrate of Italy?

100%. Everyone who is born there dies.

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