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Q: How does the height from which an object is dropped affect the diameter of the crater it forms?
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Due to height and pressure

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How does the height from which an object was dropped affect its average velocity?

The height from which an object is dropped does not affect its average velocity. Average velocity depends on the overall displacement and time taken to achieve that displacement, regardless of the initial height of the object.

Does the height of the water affect the size of the droplet when it drops?

It does affect the diameter. At a high height the diameter gets bigger. At a low height the diameter is slower.

Why are some craters on the moon bigger than others?

It all depends on the amount of kinetic energy the crater has when it hits the moon. The larger the height, and the more kinetic energy the crater has when it hits the moon the larger the diameter of the crater and the more deeper it is. Hope this helps!

What variables do you think might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce?

Variables that might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce include the material of the ball, the surface it bounces on, the height from which it is dropped, and the elasticity of the ball. Other factors may include air resistance, temperature, and any external forces acting on the ball during the bounce.

What is the height of a sphere with a diameter of 3.8?

A sphere's height will always be the same as its diameter.

What is the height of barringer crater's rim relative to the crater floor?

150 meters

How does the drop height of an object affect the size of the crater it forms?

The drop height of an object affects the size of the crater it forms by influencing the amount of kinetic energy the object has upon impact. A higher drop height results in more kinetic energy, leading to a larger and deeper crater. The relationship between drop height and crater size is not linear due to factors such as material properties and angle of impact.

What is the relationship between the dropped height and the rebound height of dropped bouncy balls?

The rebound height of a dropped bouncy ball is generally lower than the dropped height due to energy losses from deformation and air resistance. However, for ideal elastic collisions, the rebound height is approximately equal to the dropped height.

How is an arctangent a crater creator?

In a crater, the slope of the side of the crater is simply the arc-tangent of the height difference divided by the horizontal distance.

Is the height of a balls bounce affected by the height from which the ball i s dropped iv dv cv?

Yes, the height from which the ball is dropped will affect the height of its bounce. This relationship is known as the conservation of energy principle, where the potential energy of the ball at the initial drop height is converted into kinetic energy as it falls, leading to a bounce height determined by the conservation of energy equation.