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Q: How does the maxillary angle and palate shape relate to the size of each species mouth?
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How does the maxillary angle and palate shape relate to the size of each species' mouth?

I am a doctor in paleontology, this question is incredibly easy. The maxillary angle is not related to the size of the species' mouth. You should go back to school you noob.

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MMPA stands for maxillary mandibular plane angle.

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Maxillary 6s

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Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle

Which triangle can relate to the degrees of 90?

A right angle triangle.

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Right-Angle triangles

Are 6812 right angles?

6812 is a single number and it does not relate, in any way, to a right angle.

What triangle does the pythagorean theorem relate to?

A right triangle, that is, one with one angle of 90 degrees.

How many meters in a radian?

Meter is a unit of length. Radian is a unit of angle. They don't relate.

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ClO3 has the smaller bond angle than ClO4

If a angle is 78 degrees What is the angle of x?

The answer will depend on what a and x are and how they relate to one another. Since you have not provided this information, it is not possible to answer the question.

What are the biometric guides of complete denture fabrication?

—The form of lips —The naso-labial angle —The horizontal labial angle —The effect of nose form and angle of inclination of teeth —The relationship of the maxillary incisors to the incisive papilla —The location of lingual gingival margin —The placement of lower teeth in relation to the lower residual ridge, tongue, cheeks and lips