No, division by zero is undefined in mathematics. It is not possible to divide any number by zero.
Division, of any number, by 0 is not defined.
A number cannot be divided by zero: division by zero is not defined and is therfore not a valid operation. It has no value.
"... remainder after division ..."
A number is divisible by another when the remainder after division by that number is zero.
No, division by zero is undefined in mathematics. It is not possible to divide any number by zero.
Zero divided by any number is always zero and a number cannot be divided by zero.
No. Zero is a rational number, but division by zero is not defined.
Division, of any number, by 0 is not defined.
Division by zero is not defined.
A number cannot be divided by zero: division by zero is not defined and is therfore not a valid operation. It has no value.
"... remainder after division ..."
A number is divisible by another when the remainder after division by that number is zero.
The denominator of any number cannot be zero because division by zero is not defined.
It is because division by zero is not defined.
The second number must be non-zero for the division to be defined.For the concept of divisibility to make sense the second number must be an integer.Then, the first number is divisible by the secondwhen the first number, modulo the second, is zero,or equivalently,when the remainder of the division of the first number by the second is zero.