One divided by zero is undefined.
Zero divided by anything is still zero.
You can't devide by zero.
You cannot divide by zero
Nothing. 3/4 means three fourths 0/0 is therefore no nothings.
A centillion is equal to 1 followed by 303 zeros. Therefore, a zero 1 centillion would be a centillion with one less zero, making it 1 followed by 302 zeros.
One divided by zero is undefined.
Millentinion, one thousand centillion
Centillion + one.
A one followed by 606 zeros.
The answer is neither. You cannot divide by zero at all. The result of zero divided by zero, as with any other division by zero, is undefined.
Zero divided by anything is still zero.
You can't devide by zero.
One thousand. Which is a lot, lot smaller than a centillion.
A centillion is ten to the power 303 (short scale) or 10 to the power 600 (long scale), so if you square that you get ten to the power 606 (short scale) or 10 to the power 1200 (long scale).Note: English-speaking countries normally use the short scale.
zero divided by one equals zero.
You cannot divide by zero