

Best Answer

If both speeds are measured in the same medium, whether it be

vacuum, water, or jello, then they are equal.

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Q: How does the speed of infrared radiation compare with the speed of x- rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?
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How does the speed of infrared radiation compare with the speed of x rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?

They are the same.

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It means the sum of the measured/calculated speeds divided by the number of speeds that were measured/calculated.

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Same speed - light and gamma rays are both electromagnetic waves, but with different frequencies.

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For one to compare DSL speeds, they can use websites such as Whitefence. They have services that allow you to compare your DSL speed with other ways to get internet.

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They're measured in Hz, or cycles per second. Modern processors run in the megahertz or gigahertz range.

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