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Q: What is the unit of speed if time is measured in hours and distance measured in miles?
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How many hours is 557 miles?

That depends on the speed. Pick a speed, then divide the distance by the speed. If you divide a distance in miles, by a speed in miles/hour, the answer will be in hours.

How much time is 140 miles?

That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.

What is unit for speed if the time is measured in hours and the distance is measured in miles?

You can use ANY unit of speed - but the logical unit of speed in this case would be the one you obtain by dividing the specific unit of length by the specific unit of time, so in this case, miles per hour.

How do you calculate speed in miles per second?

The distance travelled, measured in miles divided by the time taken, measured in seconds.

How many hours is 1450 miles?

As Miles is distance and Hours is Time then the question, as asked, can have no answerIf you want to find out the Speed you have travelled a Distance that is Speed = Distance divided by Time

How man hours would it take to drive 832 miles?

That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.

How fast is forty miles?

40 miles is a distance, not a speed, therefore, it can't be measured in terms of velocity.

The distance covered by an object over a period of time?

The distance covered by an object over a period of time is calculated by multiplying the speed of the object by the time it traveled. This can be represented by the formula: distance = speed x time. The unit of distance is typically measured in meters, kilometers, miles, or other length units, while the unit of time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

An airplane flies with a constant speed of 640 miles per hour How long will it take to travel a distance of 1920 miles?

Speed = distance ÷ time → time = distance ÷ speed = 1920 miles ÷ 640 miles/hour = 1920 ÷ 640 hours = 3 hours.

How long would it take to go 300 miles going 20 miles per an hour?

Time = Distance/Speed = 300 miles/20 mph = 15 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 300 miles/20 mph = 15 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 300 miles/20 mph = 15 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 300 miles/20 mph = 15 hours.

What is the speed of the plane that went 1500 miles in 3 hours?

Speed = Distance / Time = 1500 miles / 3 hours = 500 miles per hour

How long does it TAKE to go 57 miles at 75 mph?

Time = Distance/Speed = 0.76 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 0.76 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 0.76 hours.Time = Distance/Speed = 0.76 hours.