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Q: How does the vitiam b 12 fuction the body?
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What is the main nutrient and fuction in the Grain Group?

Vitamin B

What is a compound you need to live but your body cannot make?

Your body doesn't make B-12. You have to ingest food with B-12 in it so your body can receive it.

What organ in our body produces B-12?

None. The human body can not produce B12. It has to get it from food.

In a fuction involving the expression Bx where b is a positive number other than 1 what is B?

If I have understood the question correctly, b is a coefficient of x. b could be 1 but in that case it is not expressly written. Also, b need not be positive.

What can vitamin B12 found in?

Vitamin B-12 that humans can digest can only be found in meats or foods fortified with B-12 (like breakfast cereals). Clams, mollusks and liver have the most B-12.Some vegetables, like soy, also have B-12 in them. However, they are not in a form that humans can digest.You can also find B-12 in oral supplements such as vitamin pills and sublingual drops, as well as injections and transdermal patches. For people with digestive issues, certain medical conditions or who have had stomach surgery this is the only possible source of B-12. Vitamin B-12 transdermal patches are the easiest, least expensive way of getting B-12 into the body in a form the body can immediately use (methylcobalamin, rather than cobalamin or cyanocobalamin).

Average bra size of age 12?

Probably and A to a B but every body is different.....Genetics play a major role in the development of the body.

Which of the following cannot add fat to the body?

Any water soluble vitamin like b-6 and b-12.

How do you factor 144-12b?

12(12 - b) or -12(b - 12)

Why can you have to much vitamin b 12 in body?

This may be a sign of liver damage due to alcohol consumption; in this case, the GGT will also be elevated.

One number is 25 percent of another The larger number is 12 more than the smaller What are the numbers?

Let the numbers be represented by a and b with a < b. Then a = b.25/100 and b = a + 12 As a = b.25/100 then 100a = 25b : 4a = b As b = a + 12 then substituting for b gives, 4a = a + 12 : 3a = 12 : a = 4. If a = 4 then b = a + 12 = 4 + 12 = 16 The two numbers are 4 and 12.

How do you factor b2 - 7b plus 12?

b^2 - 7b + 12 = b^2 - 4b - 3b + 12 = b(b -4) -3(b - 4) = (b - 3)(b - 4)

What causes pins and needles all over my body?

Try going to the store and buying a b-12 vitamin suppliment