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Q: How does uranium turn into thorium in equation form?
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How do you turn equations into slope intercept form?


How do you turn a slope intercept equation into a standard equation?

You place X and Y on the same side to get a standard equation.

What is the relationship between a linear equation and its line on a graph?

Since the geraph is a picture of the equation, it's almost a father and son relationship. The equation begets the graph. The graph, in turn, admires and looks up to the equation.

What is the slope of the graph of 3x plus y equals 7?

3x + y = 7 First, turn the equation into the slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the graph that that equation represents (solve for y).3x + y = 7 subtract 3x to both sidesy = -3x + 7So you clearly see that the slope is -3.

What line is Parallel to y-x 6 passing throuth 50?

Two lines are parallel if they have the same slope. First we need to find the slope m of the line with equation y - x = 6. So, y - x = 6 add x to both sides to turn the equation into the slope-intercept form y = x + 6 We know that the slope is the coefficient of the variable x, so the slope is 1. So the line that passes through (5,0) and parallel to the given line has also slope 1. Using the point (5, 0) = (x1, y1) and m = 1, we write the point-slope form of the equation of the required line, (y - y1) = m(x - x1) substitute the known values (y - 0) = 1(x - 5) y = x + 5 subtract x to both sides to turn this equation into the general form y - x = 5 Thus, the line that passes through (5,0) and parallel to the given line has the equation y - x = 5.

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What will U-244 turn into after alpha decay?

If a uranium-244 atom undergoes alpha decay, it will become an atom of thorium-240. If we wrote an equation, it might look like this:92244U => 90240Th + 24He++The uranium-244 is transmuted into throium-240, and the alpha particle, which is a helium-4 nucleus (and represented as such) emerges at the tail end of the equation.

How do you turn equations into slope intercept form?


Why can nuclear energy be characterised as renewable energy?

This is a mistake. Nuclear energy is non-renewable, because it uses up uranium which has been formed billions of years ago in some sort of cosmic explosion, and is no longer being made, at least in our solar system. Note that some people advocate using thorium to make fissile uranium, this is possible but then eventually you would use up all the thorium on earth so the same argument applies. Breeder reactors are another aspect of nuclear energy, these turn non fissile uranium into fissile plutonium, but the same argument about eventually running out of uranium applies.

Why uranium fuel turn into oxide?

Uranium fuel is typically used in the form of uranium dioxide (UO2) in nuclear reactors because it is a stable form that can withstand high temperatures and radiation levels. During the nuclear reaction process, uranium atoms in the fuel undergo fission and release energy, while the remaining uranium atoms combine with oxygen to form uranium dioxide. This process helps to maintain the integrity and stability of the fuel rods during operation.

How does uranium turn nucular?

it doesn't.

Atom of thorium loses 2 protons what element is left?

If an atom of thorium loses 2 protons, it would turn into an atom of protactinium. Thorium has an atomic number of 90, so losing 2 protons would change it to an atomic number of 88, which is protactinium.

How rare is radium?

Radium is considered a rare element in the Earth's crust, with an average abundance estimated to be around 1 part per trillion. It is found in very small quantities in certain types of rocks, soils, and minerals, and is typically obtained through the decay of uranium and thorium. Due to its rarity and radioactive nature, radium is not commonly used in commercial or industrial applications.

How is uranium turn to red?

Uranium itself is not red, but some uranium compounds can appear red due to the presence of certain oxidation states of the element. One example is uranium dioxide (UO2) which can have a red hue in certain circumstances. The color is a result of the specific arrangement of atoms and how they interact with light.

What material does a nuclear power station use for energy?

A nuclear power station uses uranium as the primary material for energy production. Uranium undergoes nuclear reactions, known as nuclear fission, to generate heat, which is then used to produce steam and turn turbines to generate electricity.

How does uranium turn nuclear?

Pure Uranium is radioactive; thus harmful. Inside a nuclear reactor, atoms get split. When the Uranium atom is split, it releases a huge amount of energy. This energy is called nuclear energy. Also the normal Uranium is not used in reactors. The Uranium that is used is enhanced; it is an isotope of Uranium. Uranium-237 and Uranium-238 are used in nuclear reactors. I hope this answer was useful for you.

What is uranium used for in power plants?

The isotope uranium-235 will fission when struck by neutrons, releasing energy in the form of heat and more neutrons which fission more uranium-235 (chain reaction). The heat is used to boil water (as in coal or oil power plants) and the steam turns turbines. The spinning turbines turn electric generators, making electricity.

How you turn uranium into electricity?

Uranium atoms are split in a process called nuclear fission, which releases energy in the form of heat. This heat is used to create steam, which then drives a turbine to generate electricity. This process is carried out in nuclear power plants.