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Q: How does water move on a slope and?
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How does water move on a slope and why does it move in that direction?

Water moves downhill on a slope due to gravity, creating a force that pulls it in that direction. The slope provides a pathway for the water to flow, with the steeper the slope, the faster the water moves. Additionally, the surface tension of water allows it to cling together and form streams or rivulets as it flows downhill.

What type of slope causes water to move the fastest?

i dont know but who cares????? does this help u idiot?

Why is the slope of water negative?

For water the line has a negative slope (vs carbon dioxide). This explains why ice floats since volume decreases with increasing pressure as we move upward on the phase diagram from solid to liquid water, the volume occupied by H20 decreases and thus water must be increasing in density.

What does the Slope of a linear equation represent?

The slope is the rise of the line divided by the run of the line. For example if the slope says 3/2, from the point you are on, you move to the right two times and then move up 3 spots

What is the slope of the water table called?

Gradient is the steepness of a slope.

What is the slope of the water table is called?

The slope of the water table is called the hydraulic gradient. This gradient represents the rate of change in water table elevation over a specific distance. It is an important factor in determining the direction and velocity of groundwater flow.

Why is it easier to go down the slope than up the slope?

Gravity helps you move down the slope but works against you on the way up.

Why is it easier to go down a slope than up a slope?

Gravity helps you move down the slope but works against you on the way up.

Why is it easier to go down a slope than up the slope?

It is easier to go down a slope because gravity helps to pull you downwards, providing momentum and requiring less energy. Going up a slope requires you to work against gravity, making it more difficult and tiring.

What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

Do glaciers move by themselves?

Yes, they move down slope under their own weight.

What way does water move once is reaches the water table?

Once water seeps through the soil and reaches the water table, it moves horizontally due to gravity following the slope of the water table. It eventually discharges into rivers, lakes, or oceans.