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Q: How far away is labor if you are 2 cm dilated 75 percent effaced and 0 stationed?
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How effaced and dilated are you usually when you go into labor?

You don't have to be effaced or dilated to go into labor. But this could mean u will be waiting for the bundle of joy little longer! Good luck!

If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck

I am 3Cms dilated 90 percent effaced and baby is at 0 pelvic soon could labor start?

Any moment now.

What if I am 50 percent effaced and 30 weeks pregnant can they stop labor?

Yes, they will give you a large dose of magnesium which works as a muscle relaxer to stop your labor, then they will give you a smaller continuous dose to prevent you from going back into labor. I was 30 weeks pregnant, 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and they were very successful in stopping my labor.

Am 37weeks and 2 days dilated 2-3 and 60 percent effaced what to induce labor to have baby tonight?

Try walking. Not sure if it will work or not. That's what I have always heard

If you are dilated or effaced will sex make you go into labor?

You shouldn't be having sex when you are dilated and or after 9 months pregnant. It could be dangerous to the unborn child. As for your question, It probably could bring on labor.

Will labor be soon if you are 90 percent thinned?

Not necessarily. It's the dilation that is important, just as much as effacement. You will need to be 100% effaced plus 10 cm dilated in order to give birth.

If you are 38 weeks pregnant 1 cm dilated and 90 effaced At your last Dr apt you were 1 cm dilated and 50 effaced how soon should it be before you go into labor?

== == Theoretically, as long as you are past the point where the fetus is viable, active labor can begin any time in any pregnancy, no matter how much you are dilated or effaced. This means you could go into active labor in four minutes, four days, four weeks, etc. There's really no way to tell.

If you are 38 weeks with first pregnancy contractions 3 minutes apart lasting 70 seconds and dilated at a 2 with 80 effaced will labor come soon after having two cervatals?

If your contractions are three min. apart then you probably already are in labor especially if you are already dilated and 80% effaced. If the contractions aren't regular then you aren't in labor but if it turns out that your not then you will most likely be going into labor really soon.

Why am i having few contractions at 5cm dilated and 50 effaced?

The baby probably isn't ready yet. Where I went to the hospital if you were 5cm dialated they would keep you and induce labor. you can be zero dilated and be in labor. As soon as your muscles start contracting you are in labor and have pains.

When 40 percent effaced how long until labor begins?

Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!! Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!!

You are 100 effaced and 1 cm dilated how much longer do you think it could be or can i do anything to speed up the process?

If the cervix is 100% effaced and one centimeter dilated, it means that the cervix is completely thinned out but dilation is not that much. The baby will come when he is ready, but some women walk or have sex in an attempt to bring on labor.