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The answer depends on the settings on your car.

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Q: How far can you travel when fuel light comes on?
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How far can you drive after the fuel light comes on?

15 miles.

How far can a 97 Honda Prelude travel when the fuel light comes on?

until u run out of gas... maybe 20 miles.. my 89 went 37 on the highway

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The 2002 Hyundai Sonata has a gas light that comes on when the gas is low. After the gas light comes on the car can travel 25 to 30 miles.

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I have a 1999 disco2 and when my fuel light comes on, I can go about 20 - 25 miles.

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As far as light can travel

How far can a 2005 Corolla when the gas light comes on before gas actually needs to be put in?

The light comes on when you have about 2 gallons left. You never need to run a fuel injected car this low on fuel.

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Just about 20 miles, far enough to get you to a gas station.

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When your fuel light comes on in your 2000 Toyota Echo how far can you drive before you run out of gas?

i can drive 50km at least before running out of fuel.

How far can you go once the gas light comes on?

You can go as far as your legs will carry you. I do like the legs answer, but thought this may help. First, you need to know a couple things about your vehicle. How far a single gallon of gas will take you and how many gallons you have left in your tank when the fuel light comes on. As soon as you can the next time the fuel light comes on, take out a loan and fill your tank. Note how many gallons of gas it took to fill it. Subtract that number of gallons from the total gallons your tank holds. That number will be how many gallons you have remaining when your fuel light comes on. If you know how many miles your truck will go on a gallon of gas, multiply your mileage by the number of gallons you have remaining when the fuel light comes on to get an idea how far you can continue before the engine dies of thirst. Example: Car "A" gets 30mpg. Fuel light comes on when I have 4 gallons of gas remaining in tank. 30mpg x 4 gallons =120 miles.

How far will the Honda accord 2001 travel when the fuel warning light begins to show?

You can easily go 30 miles.

How long before a 2010 dodge charger runs out of gas after the fuel light comes on?

However far you can get on about 1 gallon.