31.4366 Minutes or approximately 31 minutes 26 seconds
20 minutes is 1/3 of an hour there for 6.9/3 = 2.3 km
People walk at different speeds, averaging about 3 miles per hour. On that basis, it could take 13 hours and 18 minutes to walk 39.9 miles.
You take 20 minutes to walk each mile, and then you do that for 3 miles.
Approximately 3 minutes 20 seconds.
If you walk one block every five minutes, you will have walked 12 blocks in an hour
If you walk 3 kilometers in 29 minutes and 50 seconds you walk one mile in 16 minutes.
1km per hour is 1/3 of 3km per hour, so the answer is 1/3 of an hour or 20 minutes.
An hour, if you can walk a thousand miles an hour. A more reasonable walking speed is about 3 miles an hour, in which case it would take 333 hours 20 minutes to walk a thousand miles.
1 mile = 1609 meters, thus 1609 meters divided by 1.6 meters per second = 1005.625 seconds = 16.76 minutes. Final answer = 16.76 minutes.
1 hour, 50 minutes, 46.15 seconds
The average time to walk one hour is 60 minutes. This assumes a consistent walking pace without breaks.
It depends on how fast you are walking. People tend to walk at a pace of about 3.1 mph (or 4.54667feet per second). If a person were walking at this speed, it would take them about 43 seconds to walk 197 feet.
31.4366 Minutes or approximately 31 minutes 26 seconds
20 minutes is 1/3 of an hour there for 6.9/3 = 2.3 km
At an average of about 1km per 15 min. It would take about an hour to walk 4km
About 8 minutes are 34 seconds.