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if the object is falling straight then the force from which the ball is falling toward earth is the gravitational force of the earth that is 9.81 m/sec2.

so by formula we have,

speed=distance/time ,also distance=speed*time

here if the ball is freely falling that is no external force is applied on ball then the s=gravitational pull and time given is 2 sec

there for in 2 sec the object fall ;

d=9.8 m/sec2 *2 sec

d=18.36 m(approx)

if any other suggestion then do tell me

I am no expert but I do believe the correct formula to use for this situation is d=1/2 gt2.

The formula above will only work for example if you are traveling at a constant velocity in a car of 9.8 meters per second. You need to take into account that an object in free fall is constantly accelerating and not in a constant motion.

The correct answer should be closer to 19.6 m.

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Q: How far in meters does an object fall in 2 seconds?
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