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Q: How far will a marble fall if it is in the air for 10 seconds?
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How far will 70kg fall in 0.3 seconds?

It has been known since the 16th century that the mass of an object is irrelevant to how far it will fall. The main factor influencing the rate of fall is the shape of the object and, therefore, the air resistance (or buoyancy).

How far will a person fall in 10 seconds?

1,100 to 1,300 feet.

How far will an object near the Earth's surface fall in 7 seconds?

Assuming the object is in free fall near Earth's surface, it will fall approximately 343.3 meters (1126 feet) in 7 seconds. This calculation is based on the formula for free fall distance: d = 1/2 * g * t^2, where d is the distance fallen, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time in seconds.

If an object free-falls for 2.6 seconds what will be its final velocity and how far will it fall?

The final velocity of an object in free-fall after 2.6 seconds is approximately 25.48 m/s. The distance the object will fall during this time is approximately 33 meters.

A stone falls freely from rest. How far does it fall during the first 10 seconds?

490 meters

How far does a five pound rock fall in five seconds?

In order to come up with an answer, we have to impose a couple of rules: 1). we're trying this on the earth 2). we're ignoring the effects of air 3). it's not moving at the beginning of the 5 seconds ... that's when you drop it from your hand Then the rock falls 400 ft in five seconds. What's really interesting is that it doesn't matter how much it weighs. ALL rocks fall the same distance in 5 seconds.

How far does a rock fall in 9 seconds?

depends on the mass of the stone, the shape of the stone, and the height dropped from. sorry dude.

How far will a rubber ball fall in ten seconds?

The distance a rubber ball falls in 10 seconds will depend on the height from which it is dropped and the acceleration due to gravity. On Earth, neglecting air resistance, the general equation to calculate the distance fallen is: distance = 0.5 * acceleration due to gravity * time^2.

Will a marble and marshmallow have same buoyancy?

Depends on the marshmallow and the marble... a 2g marble will have the same mass as a 2g marshmallow........

How far in meters does an object falls in twelve seconds?

Ignoring air resistance, it would be 706 meters .

How far will a rubber ball fall in 10 seconds?

Assuming the rubber ball is dropped from rest and falls freely, it will fall a distance of approximately 490 meters in 10 seconds. This value is calculated using the formula for free fall under gravity: (d = 0.5 \times g \times t^2), where (d) represents distance fallen, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s(^2)), and (t) is the time in seconds.

How far will sound travel through air in 1 seconds?

Approximately... 1108 feet. Depending on several factors.