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Q: How far is 2.4 ghz RC range?
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What is range on a RC car?

Depends. AM/FM, you'd get about a couple hundred feet and for 2.4 GHz, probably about 400-500 feet.

How can you get a RC car that you can drive far away like 75-125 feet?

savage brand rc's have a range of an eighth of a mile.

Who is resposible for customers range requests?

(Range Control) RC-ADMIN

Who is responsible for range requests?

Rc admin

What is the average range for an electric RC jet?

The average range for an electric RC jet is about thirty miles. The cost of an electric RC jet ranges from $2,500 to $5,000. The price and distance all depend on the chosen model.

What kind of range does your 336 RC have?

In excess of a mile

Who is responsible for approving customer's range?

Rc admin


Rc admin

What is the price range when buying a RC car that runs on petrol?

The price range when buying a RC car that runs on petrol and be from anywhere between 70 dollars and 200 dollars. It also depends on the type of RC car and the vendor you get it from.

Who is responsible for approving customer range request?

Rc admin

Why RC oscillators are not used for high frequencies?

The "C" in RC is capacitance, and at high frequencies, the C will shunt the signal more than at lower frequencies. The loss through the cap will climb right along with frequency. And as the cap's performance goes down, so, too, does the circuit performance. RC oscillator performance is far from linear at the top of the frequency range.

What ages are rc tanks appropriate for?

The age range for rc tanks are according to which rc tank you would like to buy. Most of the rc tanks that I have seen are for children six years old and older.