3 tenths of a mile = .3 miles, .4828 kilometers, 482.8 meters, 48280 centimeters, 528 yards, 1584 feet
So far, you know that your number has a seven in the tens column:7?The ones digit is one more than the tens digit, which is 7.7+1=8Your number is 78.
6 tens
There are 7 hundreds and 6 tens in 760 or 76 tens
8 tens.
3 tenths of a mile = .3 miles, .4828 kilometers, 482.8 meters, 48280 centimeters, 528 yards, 1584 feet
17 tens = (10 + 7) tens = 10 tens + 7 tens = 1 hundred + 7 tens.
So far, you know that your number has a seven in the tens column:7?The ones digit is one more than the tens digit, which is 7.7+1=8Your number is 78.
It's a 7 mile race.
The number that has 9 tens and 7 fewer ones than tens is 83. This is because 9 tens equal 90, and if we have 7 fewer ones than tens, we subtract 7 from the tens place, giving us 90 - 7 = 83. Therefore, the number with 9 tens and 7 fewer ones than tens is 83.
7 tens = 70/1 7 tenths = 7/10
5 tens x 7 tens = 35 hundreds = 3 thousands 5 hundreds.
how far is half a mile
6 tens
there is 5280 feet in 1 mile there is 528 feet in 1 tenth of a mile therefore there is 1584 feet in 3 tenths of a mile