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Q: How far up a tree can a cat climb in 2 seconds traveling at a speed of 1.8 ms?
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What does how and why mean?

How means like if someone said how do you climb up a tree they would want to know how to so thatperson tells them how to climb up a tree and why means if someone said why does people be mean to you then that other person tells them why they do it like because they just do cause they feel like it. that is what how and why means

A person is traveling at 20 miles per second in a car when the car hits a tree the person comes to a complete stop in 0.4 seconds what was the person's acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) / (time for the change) = (0 - 20)/0.4 = -50 miles/second2That rate of acceleration is roughly 8,200 G's, which I'm sure the passengerwould undoubtedly notice, and would not enjoy one bit. And if you think thatHE would be bent out of shape, you should not even LOOK at the tree!The reason for that ridiculous number is the fact that before he hits the tree,you've got him going at roughly Mach 93.8 ! ("20 miles per second")

Dave is traveling at 20 meters per second in a car when the car hits a tree so Dave comes to a complete stop in point 4 seconds so what is Dave's acceleration?

His acceleration is minus fifty m/s/s, or ~ 5.5g.Highly survivable if he is wearing his seat belt.

What do lemurs do?

lemurs like to hibernate in the summer in a big hole in a tree. lemurs also like to climb around on tree branches and etc. lemurs like to eat small insects etc.

How many Joules of work are needed to climb a 35 kilogram tree 27 meters off of the ground?

The question includes information that we don't need, and leaves out informationthat we do need.It doesn't matter at all what the mass of the tree is, but in order to answer the question,we do need to know the mass of the person climbing it.

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How fast can you climb a coconut tree?

Obviously it would depend on the size of the tree but coconut harvesters can do so in a few seconds.

How long does it take for a koala to get up a tree?

Koalas are slow climbers and can take several minutes to climb a tree, depending on the height and difficulty of the ascent. They use their strong limbs and claws to grip the tree trunk as they move upwards.

Can a skunk climb a tree?

Skunks are not known for their climbing abilities and are typically ground-dwellers. While they may be able to climb some low-lying objects, they are not considered skilled climbers like some other animals.

What do you with a greenheart eat it wash with it or climb it?

Greenheart is a type of tropical hardwood tree used for making durable outdoor furniture and structures due to its resistance to decay and insects. It is not typically eaten, used for washing, or climbed, as it is mainly valued for its strong and durable wood.

Do pandas climb on the tree?

yes they climb

What is the average speed of climbing a tree?

I have two Pin Oaks that I climb. One of them I can reach 50 feet in, and that takes me around 45 seconds. The other Pin Oak has less branches in the way, and I can reach 40 feet in just 19 seconds (my record). Normally it takes around 30 seconds. I'm a free climber, so I don't use ropes. The average vertical speed to reach 50 feet in 45 seconds would be 1.1 feet per second, and the average vertical speed to reach 40 feet in 19 seconds would be 2.1 feet per second.

How did you get stuck up in a tree?

You climb up the tree and can't climb back down.

Can a chimpanzee climb the tree?

Yes they climb trees

What is plural of climb?

The Climb it doesn't change for plural Ex: they Climb the tree

How fast a Koala climb up a tree?

Tests have not been carried out on the speed with which a koala climbs a tree. Suffice to say that a koala is not as quick as some of the smaller marsupials, such as possums and gliders, but they can muster up enough speed to get out of the way of a predator.

Can the lion climb a tree?

It depends on the tree but usually they can.

How do you get something out of a tree?

you climb it