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40 mph

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Q: How fast are you traveling if you go 2 miles in 3 minutes?
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How fast are you traveling if you go 16 miles in 10 minutes?

96 mph

How fast are you traveling to go 40 miles in 15 minutes?

160 mph.

How fast are you going if you go 14 miles in 41 minutes?

You are traveling at 20.5 miles per hour.

How fast are you traveling if it takes fifteen minutes to go 1.5 miles?

6 mph

How fast are you traveling to go 100 miles in an hour and 45 minutes?

You are averaging 57.14 miles per hour for the 100-mile distance.

How long does it take to go 15 miles by motor boat?

Depends on how fast the boat is traveling. On a boat traveling at 30 mph it will take 30 minutes.

How long does it take to go 900 miles?

depends on how fast you are traveling

John is traveling to a meeting that is 28 miles away He needs to be there in 30 minutes How fast does he need to go to make it to the meeting on time?

56 MPH 56 miles/1 hr 56 miles/60 minutes Therefore, if you have 30 minutes, it is half of 60. Divide 56 by half, and you have 28.

How fast are you traveling to go a 100 miles in 15 minutes?

You're traveling at a speed of 100 miles per 15 minutes. Converted into other units with which you may be more comfortable, that speed is the same as: -- 586 and 2/3 feet per second -- 1,075,200 furlongs per fortnight -- 15,449.7 kilometers per day -- 400 miles per hour

If you needed to travel 10 miles in 30 minutes how fast would you go?

20 mph. At that speed, in one hour you would travel 20 miles. After half an hour of traveling at that speed, you would have gone 10 miles.

Traveling 60 mph how long will it take you to go 96 miles?

96 minutes

How far does a car traveling a 55 mph go in 60 minutes?

55 miles