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Q: How fast can a human read colors per minute?
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How fast does a speed reader read?

A speed reader can typically read around 800-1000 words per minute, compared to the average reading speed of 200-300 words per minute. However, some highly skilled speed readers can read up to 2000 words per minute.

What can you do in 1 minute?

you can read in a minute

I am so tiny you can hardly see me I am a recorder of action and priority it might take a few of me to impart what i know but that depends on if you read fast or slow what am i?


How many words should a eight grader be able to read per minute?

In one minute he or she should be able to read 12 or 15 words.

Could JFK read 1200 word per minute?

John F. Kennedy could read 5000 words per minute

How do you read a book fast?

You cant read a book fast. You can read read a book FASTER if you have these things: -silence -good and comfortable lighting -a comfortable setting -a book that's easy for you to read MORE : you can take a speed reading course that will teach you to read fast.

How many words a minute should a first grader read?

A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.

Does jut mean to read fast?

No, "jut" means to extend or stick out in a specific direction. It doesn't have anything to do with reading fast.

Is a monologue that is read very fast a technique?

A monologue that is read fast may use enjambment which is a technique

This person asks me: "How many pages can I read in a book if I read for 10 minutes"?

Depends how fast you read

How do i read fast?

by reading.

What does dori first say when she realises she can read in finding nemo?

Marlin: "Wait a minute, you can read?!" Dory: "I can read? That's right, I can read!"