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distance = speed x time

First 40 km = 40 t1 and thus t1 = 1 hour

Total distance = 120km = ave speed x t total= 60 this t total= 2 hours

second part = distance = 80 = new speed x (t total - t1) = new speed x 1 hr

new speed = 80 km per hour

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Q: How fast must the train travel the next 80 km so as to average 60 km h-1 for the entire trip if it traveled a 120 km track for the first 40 km at a uniform speed of 40 km h-1?
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How do you figure out what an average speed is?

Very simple: Distance traveled divided by time taken to travel that distance = average speed .

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Rate of travel = (distance traveled) divided by (time traveled)

The distance traveled by an object divided by the timw it takes to travel that distance is called?

The average speed.

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Average speed = (distance traveled during some time) divided by (length of time to travel that distance)

The distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance?

The distance traveled by an object divided by the time it takes to travel that distance is called the average speed.[ Average ] Speed = Distance / TimeFor example :A car that travels 60 miles in a time of 2 hours has an average speed of 30 miles per hour.

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I/you/we/they have traveled. He/she/it has traveled.

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Traveled is the past tense. The present tense is travel.

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The distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel that distance gives the average speed. This value represents the rate at which an object moves over a given distance in a specific amount of time.

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The average speed