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Q: How had the European become divided into two armed camps in 1914?
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What divided europe into two camps?

The formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact divided Europe into two armed camps.

How did the creation of NATO and the western pact eventually affect the relations among European nations?

NATO and Western Pact affected European nations by dividing Europe into two armed camps.

What has the author M Camps written?

M. Camps has written: 'European unification in the sixties'

How did the Cold War effect the development of Europe in the late twentieth century?

It divided Europe into two large armed camps, with NATO on one side and the Soviet bloc on the other side. This led to many challenges in the socio economic situation.

Where were the locations of European concentration camps of World War I?

In World War 1 (1914-18) there were no concentration camps. For the Nazi concentration camps, see the related question.

Why are boot camps bad?

Because an undisciplied armed group is a mob. Boot Camp instills discipline.

What religious ethnicity did German Nazis send to death camps?

European Jews

What was the roles of Japanese Americans during World War 2?

Those Japanese-Americans who were not incarcerated within internment(concentration) camps served with honor and distinction in the European Theater in the 442nd Infantry Regiment . The unit became the most highly-decorated regiment in the history of the United States Armed Forces , including 21 Medal of Honor recipients .

How did the cold war impact world events?

Vast quantities of materials and effort were put into weapons development. If these had been focused on other activities, many things in the world might be different. The world was divided into two armed camps, each very suspicious of the other.

How was Auschwitz divided?

There were three camps on the main site and a further 45 sub-camps. Please see the related question for more information.

How many European Jews died in the Nazi concentration and death camps?

About 6 miillion

Which religious ethnicity did German Nazis send to death camps?

European Jews