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Q: How hevy were the kites in 400 BCE?
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Did the sumerian's have a flag?

Probably not, because the Sumerians lived about 5000 BCE and the oldest flag ever found was from about 400 BCE.

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No. Buddha is the father of Buddhism, which has nothing to do with the Hebrews or Judaism.When Gautama Buddha was born (c. 563 BCE/480 BCE – c. 483 BCE/400 BCE), the Ancient Hebrews had already been around for thousands of years.

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no, their to hevy

Why between 0 BCE and 400 BCE there were prophets but now there are not?

A:The reason for this is that religions evolve and find new ways of expressing themselves.

Who was the Chinese who produces the first kite in 400 BC?

Mo Tzu was the Chinese inventor of the kite in 400 B.C. In ancient China, kites were used in religious ceremonies and for testing weather.

How many years apart from each other are 565 BC and 400 BCE?

BC and BCE are two different ways of expressing the same general era. So the two would be 165 years apart. If it was between 565 BC or BCE and 400 AD then it would be 965 years.

What is the singular possessive form of kites?


Which Greek mathematician is credited with inventing the worlds first robot in 400 BCE?

it is Archytas