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This cannot be answered. It all depends on how hard the ball was bounced.

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Q: How high does a lacrosse and ping pong ball bounce from 240 cm?
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How does a ball bounce high?

The harder you bounce the ping pong ball the higher it goes........the softer you bounce a ping pong ball the shorter it bounces. You control the heighth.

How high does a pingpong ball bounce?

A ping pong ball can bounce up to about 10 inches when dropped from a height of 12 inches. The height of the bounce can vary depending on factors such as surface texture, temperature, and air pressure.

Which would bounce higher a golf ball a rubber ball or ping pong ball?

A rubber ball would generally bounce higher than a golf ball or a ping pong ball due to its elasticity and ability to store and release energy upon impact. Ping pong balls, being lightweight and hollow, can also bounce quite high but may not have the same level of bounce as a rubber ball. Golf balls are designed for low bounce as they are meant to stay on the ground when hit.

How well does a ping pong ball bounce on concrete?

It will bounce, but in a very awkward and unpredictable direction because of the stubble on the concrete

What ball bounces higher golf ball or ping pong ball?

The golf ball will typically bounce higher than the ping pong ball due to its higher density and larger mass. When a golf ball is dropped from a certain height, it will store more potential energy upon impact with the ground, resulting in a higher bounce compared to the lighter and less dense ping pong ball. Additionally, the material and construction of the golf ball, such as its rubber core and dimpled surface, contribute to its ability to rebound with greater force.

What ball bounces higher a basketball or rubber ball?

It would depend on what you bounce them on and what material the bouncy ball is made of. Most surfaces and materials would mean the bouncy ball goes higher, but a few could result in the golf ball being better.

What is smaller than a softball?

Ping Pong Ball / Table Tennis Golf Ball Cricket Field Hockey Lacrosse Billiards / Pool Squash Are all smaller in diameter than a baseball

What the measurements of a ping pong table?

Diameter of the ping pong ball should be 40 mm and the weight should be 2.7 gram. The ping pong ball must have 0.4 coefficient of restitution. Depending on the bounce, roundness and consistency of the ping pong ball, single star, two star or three star ratings are marked on the ball. A ball with a three star rating normally implies highest quality ball.

Why do balls need elastcity?

if they are not elastic they would not bounce!! Imagine a wooden ping pong ball?? It would't be much fun playing with it right??

What is cuponk?

Cuponk is basically a game with a cup and a ping-pong type ball and the goal is to get the ball in the cup by preforming bouncing type tricks with the ball to try and bounce it in the cup. you must have some aiming skill to do this

What is the bounce factor of a ping pong ball?

According to the rules of the International Tennis Federation (ITF): "When dropped onto a concrete base from 100 inches, the ball should bounce more than 53 inches but less than 58 inches."

Can a ping pong ball be balanced on another ping pong ball?

no , it cannot