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For pole: ratio of shadow to pole = 12/8 = 1.5

So, for tree, ration = 1.5

24/H = 1.5 so H = 24/1.5 = 16 ft

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Q: How high is a tree that cast a 24ft shadow at the same time an 8ft pole cast a shadow which is 12ft long?
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Objects do cast shadows at higher altitudes in the same way they do on the ground; however, the shadow may not be visible due to the lack of contrast against the sky. Additionally, the position of the sun in the sky and the angle at which light is hitting the object can also affect the visibility of the shadow.

How high is a tree that cast a 25 ft shadow at the same time a 9 ft post cast a shadow which is 4 ft long?

56.25 feet

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Divisibles, the 6 foot man would cast a shadow 2 feet long.

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How high is a chimney whose shadow is 28 meters long when a 5 foot gate casts a 12 foot shadow?

Ratio shadow:real height for gate = 12ft:5ft = 2.4 So ratio for chimney = 28:real height = 2.4 Height of chimney = 28/2.4 = 11.66... ft

A tree cast a 24-foot shadow at the same time a fence post 5 feet high cast a 4-foot shadow how tall is the tree?

It works out as 30 feet in height

How high is a tree that casts a 24 ft shadow at the same time a 12 ft post casts a shadow which is 12 ft long?

As the sun is far enough away, the rays of light are effectively parallel. This produces similar triangles with the ratio of sides the same in each case. As the shadow of the post is 12 ft and the shadow of the tree is 24 ft, the sides of the triangle of the tree are double that of the post. Assuming the post is parallel to the tree, the tree's height is twice the height of the post → tree = 12 ft × 2 = 24ft high.

How high is a tree that casts a 21 foot shadow at the same time a 6.5 foot man cast a 5 foot shadow?

27.3 feet

When a tree cast a 20 foot shadow a man 6 feet tall casts a 3 foot shadow how tall is the tree?

The man is twice as high as his shadow. Therefore, the tree must also be twice as high as its shadow, which would make the tree 40 feet tall.

21 foot tree cast what length of shadow?

Depends what time of day it is ... how high the sun is. It keeps changing all day. No shadow at all at night.