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Q: How high would 6 million quarters be in feet?
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If you stacked one million quarters how high would they reach?

The US quarter is 1.75 mm thick. One million of them stacked would be 1,750,000 mm high (or 17,500.00 cm, or 175 meters). In inches and feet, the quarter being .069 inches thick, one million stacked would be 69,000 inches, or 5,750 feet, or 1 mile and 156.6 yards.

How high would 6000000 quarters be in feet?

well actually it would be the sizze of your mom

How many feet would 6 million quarters be when stacked?

They'll still be quarters, no matter how many there are or how high you stack them,According to the US Mint's website, the thickness of the quarter is 1.75 mm.6 million x 1.75 mm = 10,500 meters34,449 feet11,483 yards6.5244 miles

How high is a Stack 1 million dollars?

One million 1-dollar bills would be about 358.33 feet tall.

If you stacked up dollar bills on a table how high would a billion dollars be?

About 3 million feet.

How high would 6000000 quarters be in inchesfeet and yard?

It is 10500 metres = 11482 yards, 2 feet and 9.8 inches.

How high would 6 000 000 quarters be in yards?

The US quarter is 0.069 inches thick so stacking 6 million quarters would be 6 million * 0.069 inches or 414,000 inches. 1 yard = 36 inches. So divide 414,000 inches by 36 to get yards = 11,500 yards (which is about 6.5 miles!)

How high would 6 million quarters be in inches?

At 0.069 inch per quarter that is about 414,000 inches, or over 6.5 miles ( assuming they don't topple over!)

How tall is a stack of one dollar bills worth 17 million?

17 million one-dollar bills would stack to about 6,091.67 feet high.

How big is a million dollars?

Based on the research done here ( A million dollars worth of $100 bills makes a stack about 40 inches high! If you do the math, that means a Billion is 3,333 feet high and a trillion dollars would make a stack over 3 million feet tall or roughly 630 miles high!!!

How high is a stack of one million one dollar bills?

Approximately 358.33 feet tall.

Does high school football play quarters or periods?

In high school football they are classified as quarters.