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It's great importance of geometry as far as everything is measured in some way and in civil structures as buildings and properties geometry has great importance so there's no disaster.

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Q: How important in geometry in your life?
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How important is geometry in your daily life?

if no geometry in our life, we can't do the other things if we dont have geometry.

How important is geometry in everyday life?

Geometry is very important because you practically see it everyday. Everything is geometry. Humans are geometry. planets are geometry. If you don't really understand how much geometry is used and important, then you should try to see somebody for geometry answers.

How does geometry affect real life?

In architecture, engineering, drawing etc, geometry can be very important.

Important of geometry in your daily life?

geomatery is no use

Founders of analytic geometry?

It is important to know who created and improved the things we use in life. This is especially important in math, the man who invented analytic geometry is René Descartes.

What is the contribution of geometry in your life?

I like geometry. It gives me pleasure in my life. how about you.

What is the definition of geometry in daily life?

Definition of geometry in daily life is the use of geometry that is useful or practical in life. This might mean using geometry to build things like a carpenter.

What is the importance of geometry in your daily life?

Geometry is important to study because it helps us do things , like measuring clothes , solving problems in math and many more.

What is the application of analytic geometry in real life?

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Why is it important to do proofs in geometry?

it is not important

Why do you need study geometry?

to learn more important in geometry

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