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Not at all important.

Can always get back on the ride again later.

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Q: How important or real is this world to the soul that is returning to Brahman?
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Who do the Hindu people beilve?

That there is one supreme god (Brahman), they will be reincarnated, Karma is real, and that there are several other lesser gods than Brahman.

What is a Brahman symbol look like?

1. Brahman can't be represented by any symbol or object in the real world.This is because Brahman is the very junction of our real and imaginary worlds.2. Brahman is our entire ideal life in a condensed form. It is indivisible. A symbol enables us to do something under a set of very few conditions and thus simplifies life. Since Brahman is indivisible it can't be represented symbolically.

Why are 1D figures important in the real world?

1D figures are important in the real world because if we did not have 1D figures, the we wouldn't be able to make 2D and 3D figures.

What is the nature of Brahman in Hindu belief?

1. Brahman is known as the suprme Hindu god and as absolute reality However, strictly speaking, it is neither god nor reality. It is the very junction of god and the real world2. A Hindu shouldn't believe in Brahman. He must accept it as an absolute fact.3. Brahman enables us to understand the nature of god.Understanding god would enable us to make god 100% reliable. Thus, Brahman would make us the master of our fate4. While the nature of gods keep changing, the nature of Brahman remains unchanged forever5. It can be real or abstract. Abstract Brahman is layman's Brahman. It is the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient supreme Hindu god. However, this Brahman can't be understood6. When we say that 'I am Brahman' (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10) we are referring to the real BrahmanReal Brahman is just as powerful as we are. However, real Brahman can be understood thoroughly7. According to Manu Smriti 1.11 Brahman is same as Purusha. and is both real and unreal. Thus, Brahman is not as abstrct as some Hindus may wish to believe8. Brahman is not a god of a Hindu whose life is devastated completely. A Hindu can come under the command of Brahman if and only if his life is ideal. Brahman would oppose any deterioration of that ideal life9. According to Manu Smriti 1.19, 1.20 and Rigveda 1.10. 90 - 14, Purusha and thus Brahman is made of seven Purushas (Indra, Shakti, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Shani and Yama, in that order - the name of the seven gods is not mentioned in any Hindu scripture and can only be inferred). Thus, all gods spring from Brahman and are manifestations of Brahman10. Though not directly mentioned in scriptures, Brahman is nothing but the isometric component of our skeletal muscular system, acting as a single unit (Unified Skeletal Muscle - USM). That single unit is what we call Purusha.11. Brahman is our skeletal muscular system when its tone is exactly 50%, a state in which we can't feel it. Therefore, Brahman is considered as formless, even though it has the distinct form of our skeletal muscular system.12. Purusha (Rigveda 1.10.90) is a symbolic description of the properties of USM. However, to a casual reader Rigveda 1.10.90 looks like a description of creation of the universe.13. Brahman is absolute and thus, there can't be Shaiva and Vaishnava concepts of Brahman.14. To become one with Brahman we must attain Moksha and for that we have to get rid of our Karma.According to Brahmajnana, Karma is the resistance to our activities and Moksha means getting rid of Karma and making our life 100% efficient and reliable. According to Brahmajnana, we can attain Moksha in this life only.

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It is a possibility. She is currently signed with TNA, but there is a real possibility of her returning to WWE in the future.

Why are monkeys so important in the real world?

Monkey's are important because, they wear sombreros.

What is the difference between atman and brahman?

atman - is individual self with ego, and ignorance which unable to discriminate unreal to real. Atman is true Self (capital "S") and your true essence which is eternal and never changes. They are closely linked with the universe, cosmic consciousness or Brahman. Brahman is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and absolute reality. The Brahman within the individual is called the Atman.

Why is octane important to the real world?

Octane is the main component of gasolene.

Will there be a Nearly famous series 2?

NO its a real shame but it won't be returning

How is brahman different from brahma?

THE SEVEN BASIC HINDU GODSThere are seven basic Hindu gods.They are,1. Indra - god of dreaming2. Shakti - god of illusion3. Brahma - god of creativity4. Vishnu - god of stabilization5. Shiva - god of determination6. Shani - god of status increase7. Yama - god of compulsionThe seven gods merge to form the supreme Hindu god Brahman.Gods in the direction 1-7 favor action and in the direction 7-1 favor thinking.Therefore, Brahman, like Vishnu, is a status quo maintaining god.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRAHMA AND BRAHMAN1. Brahma is just one of the seven gods that constitute Brahman2. Brahma has distinctive form. Brahman is formless.3. Brahma is a manual / voluntary god. Brahman is an automatic / involuntary god4. Brahma looks at differences. Brahman looks at similarities.5. Brahma brings about change / creativity. Brahman opposes change.6. Brahma is a transient god / force. Brahman is an eternal god.7. Brahma is masculine. Brahman is neuter.8. Brahma has a counterpart called Saraswati. Brahman exists in Saguna and Nirguna forms.9. Brahma is the god of data. Brahman is the god of knowledge.10. Brahma is the least efficient of the real world gods. Brahman is the most efficient.11. Brahma divides our life into independent activities. Brahman merges them into a single giant activity.12. Brahma is the easiest god to comprehend. Brahman is beyond the comprehension of any human being.13. Brahma is the antagonist of freedom. Brahman gives us unlimited freedom called Moksha.14. Brahma is analog. Brahman is digital.

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Light and movement :)