Seven thousand eight hundred-thousandths in standard form is 0.07008
Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005
Three thousand five ten-thousandths in standard notation = 0.3005
The standard form of four hundred twenty thousand thirteen (420,013) is: 4.20013 × 105
The standard form is 13.4031
Well the dumb person that answered this question said it wrong. It is thirteen thousand and in standard form it is 13,000
how to write thirteen million,five thousand in standard form
Seven thousand eight hundred-thousandths in standard form is 0.07008
one thousand and four, and thirteen thousandths
The standard form of 5 million seventy thousand and thirteen is 5.070013 × 106
The standard form of twenty five thousand and 35 thousandths (25,000.035) is: 2.5000035 × 104
Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005