It is 4 and 13/1000 as a mixed number
The word form for 13.406 is "thirteen and four hundred six thousandths".
It is 0.004
Four thousand sixty-five hundred-thousandths = 0.04065
It is 4 and 13/1000 as a mixed number
one thousand and four, and thirteen thousandths
thirteen and four thousand, five hundred twenty-four ten-thousandths.
Four thousand, two hundred thirteen ten-thousandths.
The standard form is 13.4031
6.4213 = six and four thousand two hundred thirteen ten-thousandths.
6.4213 = six and four thousand two hundred thirteen ten-thousandths.
thirteen and four thousand five hundred sixty-two hundred thousandths
I would write 13.024 as thirteen and twenty-four thousandths
The word form for 13.406 is "thirteen and four hundred six thousandths".
4,013 is four thousand and thirteen written in numbers.