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Q: How inequality and injustice can impact on individuals?
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What does crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice mean?

It refers to the lasting impact and harm caused by systems of discrimination, prejudice, and unfair treatment passed down through generations. This legacy continues to harm individuals and communities by perpetuating inequality and limiting opportunities for those affected by it.

Who fought against racial inequality in the US?

well..... i think that martin Luther king fought AGAINST injustice and inequality because he made everyone consider and know that injustice and inequality is not right in the human race.

Do you think American-style capitalism is a good thing or is it the single most important reason for inequality and injustice in this world?

Inequality and injustice have been around since the begining of time. Read your history books and you'll see it in every culture and society. American-style capitalism has nothing to do with inequality and injustice.

What is a synonym for the word injustice?

A synonym for the word "injustice" is "unfairness" or "inequity".

What does the character Mr. Lindner most likely symbolize?

Injustice [APEX]

What is a good thesis statements for Cry the Beloved Country?

A good thesis statement for "Cry, the Beloved Country" could focus on how the novel explores the impact of social injustice and racial inequality on individuals and communities in South Africa. It could also delve into the themes of forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation as portrayed in the novel.

What is social injustice?

Social injustice refers to unfair, discriminatory, or oppressive practices within a society that result in unequal treatment or opportunities for certain individuals or groups based on factors such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, or disability. It can manifest in various forms, including systemic racism, sexism, classism, and other forms of discrimination that perpetuate inequality and marginalization.

How do you use the word injustice in a sentences?

I have several sentences for you.The world is full of injustice.Mike became a policeman to fight injustice.It's an injustice to judge people before you know them.

What is the best analogy for Tyranny and Oppression?

Tyranny is like a dictator ruling with absolute power, suppressing freedom and dissent. Oppression is like a heavy weight crushing the voices and rights of individuals, leading to injustice and inequality.

What is the connection of Les Miserables to sociology?

"Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo explores themes of injustice, poverty, and social inequality in 19th-century France. The novel depicts the struggles of different social classes and the impact of societal structures on individuals' lives. It offers insights into sociological concepts such as social stratification, crime, and the role of institutions in shaping human behavior.

What statements are basic principles of Marxism?

private property should be abolished because it is the source of injustice and inequality

What does 'life is full of injustice' mean?

The statement "life is full of injustice" suggests that unfairness and inequality are prevalent in the world, leading to feelings of frustration, anger, or sadness when faced with instances of injustice. It acknowledges that not everyone is treated fairly or receives what they deserve in life.