Expressed as a decimal, 6419/10000 is equal to 0.6419.
10000 or 10000. Although it may also be written as 10000.0, the second version implies a greater degree of accuracy.
Ten thousand.
0.9583 = 9583/10000
0.1875 as a fraction is 1875/10000.
Provided that words average about 5 letters each, 10000 characters would be a lovely 2,500 words. Have fun.
Expressed as a decimal, 6419/10000 is equal to 0.6419.
10000 or 10000. Although it may also be written as 10000.0, the second version implies a greater degree of accuracy.
Ten thousand.
Ten thousand.
1.0 × 104
0.9583 = 9583/10000
well if you think about it if sombody who was a human spoke lots of languages then they would eaisly be able to speak 10000 words. and yes humans are animals.