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10 + 8 + 20 + 7 = 10 + 20 + 8 + 7 = 30 + 15 = 45

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Q: How is 18 plus 27 using the distributive property makes it easier to mentally calculate the sum?
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How can the distributive property help you find the answer mentally?

it makes it easy say ypu have 69x8 you can do (60x8)+(9x8)=480+72=552 wrather than 69 x 8 552 so it basically makes it easier P.S. i know i probably didnt make since but i tried

Distributive property in math?

The distributive property states that when you have a problem, say 3(42-36) then you distribute the multiply by 3 to the 42 and -36 to get 126-108 which can be easier to solve some times. Also when you simplify problems with variables, you can substitute 5n+15 to 5(n+3).-------a(b+c) = ab+ac

What was the purpose of the adding machine?

the purpose of this invention is to help add up numbers. It's quicker and easier to do instead of mentally trying to calculate the numbers by hand.(: your welcome

How can distributive property make multiplying a whole number and a mixed number easier?

5 x 2 and 1/3 = (5 x 2) + (5 x 1/3) = 10 and 5/3 = 11 and 2/3

How can you use the distributive property to write a number as a equivalent expression?

17*9 = 17*(10-1) = 17*10 - 17*1 = 170 - 17People who do not know the 17 times table might find the equivalent version easier to evaluate.

How does the associative property help you multiply mentally?

Suppose you were trying to multiply 17 x 5 x 2. The associative property states that (17 x 5) x 2 = 17 x (5 x 2) The second one is easier to do in your head.

How do you calculate lift height of forklift?

You want to calculate them based on what data? It would probably be easier to measure it.

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easier for calculate profit

How can associative property be used in the real world?

It can be used to simplify addition or multiplication of large sets of numbers - but only if you know number bonds.Ti calculate 3*4*5 you could calculate 3*4 = 12 and then 12*5 = 60but it is easier to do 4*5 = 20 and 3*20 = 60.

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Stresses will be distributed equally among members if there is symmetry. It will be easier to calculate it will be easier to manufacture...

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I'm sure that average speed would be easier to calculate than instantaneous speed. To calculate average speed, just take the time that it takes to travel between two points, and divide that into the distance between the points.