Think of fractions as division problems. 4 over 12 (4/12) is really just saying 4 divided by 12. Therefore, 4/12 = 4 divided by 12 = 0.3333 . . .
9/12 9 divided by 3 is 3, 12 divided by 3 is 4 3/4 3/4 in decimal is 0.75 hope that helps :)
4/33 as a decimal is 0.'12' recurring '12'
4/5 divided by 12/13 is 0.867
4/12 as a decimal is 0.'3' recurring '3'
11 over 12 (44 divided by 4 is 11 and 48 divided by 4 is 12)
9/12 9 divided by 3 is 3, 12 divided by 3 is 4 3/4 3/4 in decimal is 0.75 hope that helps :)
4/33 as a decimal is 0.'12' recurring '12'
4/5 divided by 12/13 is 0.867
9 divided by 12 = 0.75 9/12 = 3/4 3 divided by 4 = 0.75
4/12 as a decimal is 0.'3' recurring '3'
1 and 3/4 = 1.751 divided by 3 divided by 4 = 0.083333 repeating1 divided by 3/4 = 1.3333 repeating
You do 3 divided by 4 to get .75%
3.00 4/12 is 0.33 repeating
4/12 = 0.333 ... recurring
11 over 12 (44 divided by 4 is 11 and 48 divided by 4 is 12)
The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 1 divided by 4 = 0.25