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Q: How is a compass used in modern world?
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What navigational instrument is used to determine a ship's position at sea?

A compass and a map of the world.

How does the compass influence modern day world?

it influenced us bcus we have tvs and especially cable. But best of all the dish hopper

In what ways did Europeans owe some of their sailing technology to other peoples of the world?

They used the astrolabe and compass. The astrolabe was invented by Muslims, and the compass by the Chinese.

In what ways did Europeans owe some of their sailing technology to other people in the world?

They used the astrolabe and compass. The astrolabe was invented by Muslims, and the compass by the Chinese.

Tool used to draw circles and arcs?

Compass compass compass

When was compass invented?

The first compass was invented around the year 1044. Modern liquid magnetic compasses stem from the mariners compass that was invented in Europe around 1190.

Why would steel in a modern ship affect a compass?

Steel contains a large proportion of iron which affects compass needles.

What was the first invention that might be called modern?

The magnetic compass was the first invention that might be called modern.

What two places can a compass not be used?

a compass can be used anywhere.... the accuracy however may suffer in the magnetic polar regions. Then of course there is outer space where a compass would not work

Did Columbus think that the compass was the devil's work?

No, he used one and the world in general was much more advanced than that in 1492. Nor did they think the world was flat.

What do you us a compass for?

A magnetic compass is used to find direction and (hopefully) gain orientation. A compass used for drafting or drawing is used in the construction of circles or circular arcs. Use the links below for more pawn

Where was the compass found?

compass is an instrument that is used to find your way. by Azura Kristell Gacoin.